The Great Mystery

There seems to be so much confusion around Intuition and Psychic abilities. The truth is that it is not just a few special people that have these abilities. We all do. Most people have forgotten over time since birth how to use these amazing gifts and abilities.

Your are a Soul first before you came into this physical body. It is my purpose in life to help you connect more with your Soul.

In a session it is guaranteed (if you are open to new information)  that you will be be opened to a whole different truth. A truth that you were born magnificent and that you are a piece of the puzzle that creates a sacred connection to God / The Creator (or any word of your choice). That you are not here to be punished. The biggest one of all is that you are more loved than you could ever perceive by The Creator. Your Guides and Angels are with you all the time and are waiting for you to reach out and ask for their assistance.

We have over complicated everything for many years. Now is the time to start to un complicate your life. While this may all seem too unreal to even imagine, I have learnt over the years the more TRUST I have in God / The Creator the more I learnt to trust myself and the information I was receiving. By learning to TRUST I learnt to forgive myself for all the beliefs that I held so close as truth. This made way for more love to come in. When we learn to be in this NOW moment and learn how to let go of what no longer serves can be very frightening and overwhelming due to everything being the opposite of what we have been lead to believe.

It all starts with one NOW moment at a time. From this one NOW moment leads to another and another. My intent is to teach you how to recognise when you have slipped back in to an old way of thinking without judgement or critizing your self for a perceived "I've done something wrong". Love yourself more and congratulate your self for noticing. In a session I use all my knowledge, I work intuitively to help you embrace your magnificence. This maybe with  Hypnotherapy / Past Life Regression or Healing. Over time a combination of all. There is no one quick fix, a Healing Journey is called this due to the fact  you are here for a lifetime and your Soul is eternal. You are here to experience Love and Joy.

Another area that is just as important is forgiveness. When we learn to forgive our self of all the shame and guilt and feelings of not being good enough you start to see how many beliefs have kept you in this position of never being good enough never being worthy of love.

Each session is a unique experience just for you. I look forward to being able to work with you on your own individual Healing Journey.

You have the ability to re write your story.