I'm not fond of writing about myself as I believe the Healing Garage should be about you and your journey of growth and joy.

However, for those who need more information to enable a better understanding, my journey began when I was very young. I had questions no one seemed to be able to answer. I recall standing and looking around me, asking to who I don't know in particular as I was by myself, "Is this it. Is this life"? This seemed to be the beginning of my quest , at such a young age, a knowing that there had to be more to life than this. Whatever this is.

The next experience I remember very clearly. At this stage I was in Prep class. I am standing in the playground looking around, once again thinking and pondering “What happens when we stop breathing. Where do we go? This cannot be it.” I have always been fascinated with the stars and found a deep connection to them.

I’m not sure how many years later while staying with my Aunt, I found on the bookshelf an amazing book. At this time, I was still struggling with reading and writing. I had no idea what the book was about. I did know I loved the pictures, they made sense to me I understood what the story was about.

Each time I visited my Aunt I would seek out this book. It was a book on Tarot. I had my first card reading by my sixteenth birthday and had purchased my first deck of cards by my eighteenth. I guess I knew then that there were a lot of fear based beliefs around the Tarot. If I had not taken that chance and purchased my own deck of cards I’d still be waiting and wondering. My Aunty also became my biggest inspiration and I thank her for her love and support and the encouragement I was given for my future adventure, to be who I am today.

In life, if we do not challenge ourselves or take chances we are not living to our full potential. If we are living to what other peoples expectations are for us then we are not being true to ourself. I realised to live up to my full potential I would have to stand in my own truth and trust my heart and the Universe.

From then on I had a thirst for knowledge, not knowledge gained in a classroom or at a university. I have studied many healing modalities. Reiki, Magnified Healing and Crystal Healing to name a few. I needed more, there were more unanswered questions.

I then studied Aromatherapy, Numerology and then Australian Bush Flower Essences.
I believe the turning point came in 2007 when our son was born. My husband and I were both being challenged, not only as parents, but also by society.

It was in 2011 our son was diagnosed with Autism. From this, my life took on a new meaning and purpose. I was grateful. Challenged, but grateful. The more I learned about Autism and how society wanted to change our son into something he was not, the more I realized it was about us changing our perspective. Expanding and opening our minds to other potentials.

From here my life took on a new meaning and my thirst for knowledge lead me to Past Life Regression, I completed my Cert 4 in Hypnotherapy. Full Sensory Perception Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Reconnection. Quantum Bio Energetics. Add Heart Facilitator and nearly finished my Diploma of Spiritual Counselling. I am also a Unity Field Healing Practioner.

It is honour and respect for Our Elders Past, Present and Future that I work in alignment with the healing energies and information that is given to at this time.

Our son is now 13 years of age and it’s with an abundance of love and gratitude I can say he is “my teacher”. From all my experiences, I AM learning we are not here to suffer. Life is about Happiness, Joy and Love. By changing our beliefs and really opening our minds WE create change.

Maybe it’s time for you to “Unlock Your Full Potential” and embrace your magnificence.